Unlock the Full Potential of Your Compound Bow: How can I gain more speed?

If you’re an Bowhunter looking to improve your accuracy and momentum, increasing your arrow speed is a great place to start. With faster arrows, you can achieve a flatter trajectory, greater accuracy, and improved penetration. Here are some tips we that we learned over the years to help you increase your arrow speed from your compound bow:

Increase the Draw Weight of Your Bow
One of the most effective ways to increase your arrow speed is to increase the draw weight of your bow. This will allow you to generate more energy and momentum, resulting in faster arrow speeds. However, be sure to remember that there will be times you’re sitting in a tree for hours with 15degree weather without moving. Shooting in your backyard vs hunting conditions are 2 total different scenarios. The best example I’ve heard in the past is T-Bone from the Bone Collector, stating to sit on your butt and draw your bow. If you can’t, then the draw weight is too high for you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TshOlmhEblc

Use Lighter Arrows
Another way to increase your arrow speed is to use lighter arrows. Lighter arrows will travel faster than heavier ones, as they require less energy to move through the air. However, be sure to choose arrows that are appropriate for your bow’s draw weight and other specifications. We recommend Exodus Outdoor Gear. You can visit https://exodusoutdoorgear.com/collections/custom-arrows and have them build you an arrow specifically to you and your bow.

Use a Lower-Profile Vane
Using a lower-profile vane can reduce drag and increase arrow speed. This is because lower-profile vanes create less turbulence as they move through the air, resulting in less resistance and greater speed. Exodus also has a great article about vanes, which you can visit here. https://exodusoutdoorgear.com/blogs/news/the-purpose-of-vanes-on-your-hunting-arrow#:~:text=The%20vanes%20create%20drag%2C%20which,keep%20the%20arrow%20flying%20straight.

Use a Higher-Quality Bowstring
Using a high-quality bowstring can reduce friction and increase arrow speed. This is because high-quality bowstrings are made with materials that are more durable and have less stretch, resulting in less energy loss and greater speed. We happen to know a great company that can help you with you bowstring choice in the future 😉 A quality bowstring from 33OH Archery http://drawnarchery.co can also keep your bow running at MAXIMUM efficiency by ensuring the bow stays in time, and proper nock fit is achieved so the arrow is launched with minimum resistance

Tony's RX7 Ultra with Bloodline Fiber
Bloodline Fiber RX7 Ultra

Adjust Your Draw Length
Adjusting your draw length can improve your form and technique, resulting in faster arrow speeds. This is because proper form and technique result in less energy loss and greater speed. With an optimal draw length, the bow will be more efficient, meaning that more of the energy stored in the bow will be transferred to the arrow, resulting in increased speed.

Built for a Bowhunter, by a Bowhunter

Adjust Your Bow’s Cam Timing
Proper cam timing can improve the efficiency of your bow and increase arrow speed. This is because proper cam timing results in less energy loss and greater speed.

Use a Higher-Quality Arrow Rest
Using a high-quality arrow rest can reduce friction and improve arrow speed. This is because high-quality arrow rests are designed to reduce the amount of friction between the arrow and the bow, resulting in less energy loss and greater speed. I personally prefer a Limb Driven Rest due to the simplicity. Hamskea has been my rest of choice, although I’ve heard good things about the AAE Rests also. https://www.hamskeaarchery.com/product-category/arrow-rests/

Practice Consistently
Consistent practice can help you improve your form and technique, resulting in faster arrow speeds. This is because proper form and technique result in less energy loss and greater speed.

By implementing these tips, you can increase the speed of your compound bow’s arrows, resulting in a more powerful and accurate shot. No matter what you do, keep these things in mind:

  1. Proper Draw Length on your bow
  2. Proper Draw Weight
  3. Correct Arrow and Arrow Weight
  4. 33OH Archery String
  5. Efficient and Timed Bow

Remember to HAVE FUN and get out there and shoot your bow! Message us anywhere for any help!

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